Avatar Scaling

Scale, followed by three letters from the alphabet z-a0A-Z, that give the scale in x, y, and z.
x is the width, y is the height and z is the depth or length.
Lowercase letters shrink, uppercase letters grow. If you scale a limb, any hierarchically-derived limbs are scaled accordingly.
To restore such a child limb to normal use, use the corresponding other-case letter: for instance, S0b0 is counteracted by S0B0.

Body Scale Codes

[ Body-part Code ] [ Color Code (a-f) ] [ S ] [ x-axis ] [ y-axis ] [ z-axis ]

- zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba0ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ +

NSxyz - Rescale Head
PdSxyz - Rescale Entire Avatar
BbSxyz - Rescale Entire Upper Body
LcSxyz - Rescale Entire Left Arm
RcSxyz - Rescale Entire Right Arm
IeSxyz - Rescale Entire Left Leg
WeSxyz - Rescale Entire Right Leg
ZaSxyz - Rescale Tail (creature and birdie only)

Common Scale Codes

qqq - -30 %

hhh - -20 %

ddd - -10 %

000 - Standard

DDD - +10 %

HHH - +20 %

QQQ - +30 %

zzz - Small as possible

ZZZ - Large as possible